A wholehearted welcome to the

COMECH is a non-profit organization which was established on 18th of August 2010 and is situated within a half-acre walled plot close to Shelly Beach, and a five minute walk from the Likoni slum area south of Mombasa. It is currently home to 24 children – both boys and girls ranging in age from 3 to 19 years. Before getting here the children had lives without any prospects and they come from extremely difficult backgrounds: some are orphans without a family, physically and emotionally abused by their former guardians and families, neglected and abandoned children who lived on the street or from poor families who could not afford to take care of the children.
Jesicca Opisa, the Founder and Director of the children’s home, as well as all the workers at COMECH, offer a home to the children where they can act like a child and also be prepared for their adult life. The children are not only provided with the necessities they need, such as food, clothes, medicine, and an education, but they are also showered with love and support and given hope and aspirations for their futures. Jesicca indeed has become a mom for MANY children.
In order to offer the children such a life, COMECH is completely reliant on support and donations from well-wishing people.
“Not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love.” ~MOTHER TERESA

The happiest moment for me is when I see the children. I know that there is always a light, which will shine for us. It is my biggest aim to offer the children here a good life with everything that they need. The children and I are so grateful for every kind of help.
Jessy, Director of COMECH